Life in Arabia

Monday, May 01, 2006


I don't do homeopathy. Blame it on my good old industrial lifestyle, raised in the country that convinced the world that formula was best for babies... I don't do natural remedies to what ails me. Either it goes away on its own or i'm taking pharmaceuticals, can I hear an AMEN? Because I admit it... I don't know how to say Ayurveda, it sounds like some new age lounge group or something. A pan of oil poured over my forehead will do nothing but make me greasy. Really. Skeptical white girl.

Course, when you look at the calendar and see that holy green goop, Batman, it's been a month since this cold started and golly gee, nothing's moving up there, your teeth feel like they are going to fall out and your eyes are bugging out of your head... it's time to try something.

Not that i'll go to the doctor's, no! I've got Amoxycillin, 500mg bo tid (that's taken orally, three times a day. I'm reluctant to take it, just as I'm reluctant to admit I'm about to take a powerdrill to my sinuses. It's sitting in its little Pharmacy bag, nestled up against a box of Panadol Sinus, which didn't do a thing to relieve any of the might as well pound the right side of my head against the wall pain i'm going through right now.

Because you see, I'm secretly hoping the green tea and ginger I've been consuming all day will work its wonders. When I was getting mastisis while nursing my son, someone told me to make a compress of mashed ginger and apply it to the affected area. Sho nuff, the ginger drew the infection out and I was right as rain in a day. So this morning, I made myself a compress, two actually, of ginger for my sinuses, smashed fresh ginger wrapped in gauze, and pressed it down on the offending cheeks.

the left side did nothing, the right side blazed like the dickens. Oddly enough, it's the right side I'm having trouble with. Coincidence? I think not. I was careful not to get any ginger in my eyes, but my right eye stung like crazy, anyway. Because the sinus infection has moved to my eyes. That's right, folks, I'm a mess.

I drank ginger tea all morning, adding hot water and more ginger every time my little pot was empty. I lay with the compresses on my cheeks above my sinuses til the King of Everything came home from school. Wonder of wonders, it's working. For the first time in a month, something comes out when I blow my nose. I've got something like a sense of taste back.

Maybe next time I won't be so easily dismissive of natural remedies. Cause you know, there's always a next time.


  • At 3:40 am, Blogger nzm said…

    The healing powers of ginger are amazing.

    Hope that you're back to 100% soon!

  • At 9:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 9:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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